Thursday, September 18, 2008

a moRniNg oF enCourAgemEnT

I woke up this morning to go to a mens bible study. WOW! I was really encouraged to see some men of God waking up early to study the word together. But they where also real men. Not some over Christian guys, they are men who struggle, men who have it rough, men who just run after God through whatever they are going through. Real men of God! Hopefully, I can get up a 5 a.m. every Thursday to make this venture. I will have to say it was hard getting up and not staying their sleeping next to my wife in a warm bed and a cold room. Love You Beautiful!

James 3:13 "Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom." (Bold added for emphasis)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

apoloGy frOm miChaeL (tHe sinGer frOm tHe neW hilLsoNg cD)

Michael was suposedly diagnosed with cancer 2 years ago. It came out recently that he was lying (I blogged about that about a month ago). Well, I just found a video with him apologizing in it. Check it out if you want.


I usually enjoy working out but that time typically comes after the hour of 5 p.m. This morning my wife's class was canceled and we hung out for a while and then she looked at me and said, "want to work out". I said. "of course lets do this." We got in the car and headed off to the YMCA. We worked out for 30 min, got in the car to come back, she got ready for school, I got ready for work and I will have to say that I have tons of energy right now. Usually at this point I am tired and ready to take a huge nap. I never thought that moving around for 30 min. this morning could have helped me this much. I might be making this a new routine! Oh NO- I might be turning into a morning person!!! YIKES!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Well lately I have been crazy busy; life, work, everything! But the greatest thing about it all is that I am enjoying it. My job is fun (get to hang out with students), I love my wife so much and we laugh a ton together, and everything else just seems to be insane. I get up in the morning and am excited! PRAISE GOD! Coming up Sarah and I are getting a chance to go to Chicago and see my family. So excited! We are going to get to spend a few hours downtown just Sarah and I hanging out in the city we fell in love with each other. Then our journey down to Peoria will begin for a fews day- getting to see family, new babies, and just have a blast! WOO WOO Hope everyone else is doing well for everyone!

Also- Read this book-- MADE TO STICK!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

paiD hoLiDayS aNd moRe

I just want to say that I love paid holidays!!! WOO WOO

As I look into the future my friend Jerod is about to be married- holy crap! Which is very exciting because he will also be moving to Pittsburgh, Pa. Which will make him the closest family/friends that Sarah and I will have(still 5 hours away). But as I look at airline tickets at Kayak I just get mad. Why don't they lower airfair or atleast lower it for the small towns of America! So, if you find a super cheap flight from Central, NY to Evansville, IN- please let me know. Besides that Sarah and I might have an opportunity to go to Chicago and Peoria for a fews days--which would be totally awesome! We both love Chicago very much- we feel in love there, got engaged, and so much more. It has also been a long time since we have been able to visit the family. Well, time to go watch some high schoolers kcik some soccer butt!