Tuesday, April 29, 2008

thE woRd

I am really in love with how straight forward God is in the Bible. God says some amazing things in the text, " Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword" WHOA! When I read that God just rocked my face off. Somewhere deep inside of me I always thought that God wanted to bring peace to everyone. But really God wants us to surrender our life to Him. Not peace, just fully committing our life to God. Can this be done? I really think that we can fully surrender our life to Him. It takes trust, it is a lifestyle change from the world, and it takes faith! Yeah, we might hit some bumps a bruises on the way but we really can surrender ourself to him. I have realized over the years that I am ultimately happy when I fully surrender myself to God. God has never guaranteed that I would have it easy, have tons of money, or be safe when I do this. But He has guaranteed me that He is faithful to me and will always be there when I am running after Him.

This is a reflection of Matthew 10: 32-42

**Check out "My Soul Sings" by Delirious

Friday, April 18, 2008

tHe weAtHeR anD oVeR a yeAr

So, the wether here in Fayetteville, NY is freaking amazing. Who would have thought that it would be in the high 70's for the past few days. Praise God! Everyone is so much happier in the sun, including me. So, thank you LORD for the amazing weather the past few days. Try to go outside an enjoy the gift he has given us! ---Also, Sarah and I had our 1 year anniversary this past Monday. We are so thankful that God has blessed us to be together for the rest of our lives and also how he has blessed us in the past year! So, we are no longer newly weds and we have many more wonderful years together--WOO WOO

Saturday, April 12, 2008

nOt suRe wHaT tO saY

Well I sit here and write but not really knowing what to say........well I just thought of something. What is FAITH to you? Is it really believing in God? or something that you have been fed all your life and have never experience for yourself? I challenge you (the reader) to find your faith, make it your own. Run after God and experience Him over the next month, and hopefully you will want to run after Him for eternity. Make your faith your own. God is always there standing, waiting, just trust in Him, HAVE FAITH IN HIM!!!! God bless!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

hoMe aLoNe

Well, my mom and sarah just went to go get me some birthday stuff and I am not allowed to go. So, I am home alone rockin it! This year I am going to try and give baseball a try. I am watching some cubbies right now, which have always been my favorite baseball team. My grandma is a number one cubs fan and I feel like her wish is to see them win a world series before she passes. (By the way, she is not dying or anything I just know that she would be so happy.) Well I hope everyone enjoys the gorgeous weather. PEACE