Monday, October 27, 2008

loVe hOw stRaiGht forWarD GOD iS

I was reading the word this morning and I love how straight forward God is. It bothers me in this generation how we make God seem so fluffy. We seem to forget that God is our father! He disciplines us, helps us, tells us like it is, and saves us. In Proverbs 12:1 is says- "Whoever loves disciplines loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid."
I always wonder why preachers are scared to make statements such as that. Not in a judging way but calling people out, tell people that their action is stupid, they are being stupid, or that what people are doing makes them a DIRTBAG!

Check out the book Death by Love by Mark Driscoll- It will rock your world!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

oUr miSSioN's tRiP viDeO

Friday, October 10, 2008

soMe vaCatiOn picTuReS

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

baCk fRom chiCagO

Sarah and I just got back from a short vacation from Chicago and Peoria! WOW, we had such a blast hanging out with family. We love our families very much and it is always hard to leave them behind. Usually we are ready to come back to New York but this time it would have been nice to stick around for a couple more days(might have to do with I have not seen my family since April). But we are back and back to work reality. Wouldn't it be sweet if there was a job and all you did was go on vacations (Oh yeah, its called working for the travel channel--HA)!
I realized how God has blessed Sarah and I so much with our families. Not that we have the perfect life or perfect parents but we do have a perfect God! Well, time to get back to doing some more work. Hoping to put some pic's up here soon of our trip.

SIDE NOTE: We played bingo with my grandma--IT ROCKED!!!! And I won!!! WOO WOO