Monday, January 28, 2008

i heaRd soMethiNg toDay

So I heard today, in your first few years of ministry it is very hard to see what is right for the "group". As in- what type of events work, style of youth group, small groups and so on. On avg. it ussually take 2-3 years to get that established. I know I am not to that point yet but I am excited about thinking of the future and what two:twenty youth ministries has in store for next year (yes i am already thinking about next year 2008-2009). I am also excited to see what God has in store and what he lays on my heart. God always knows why stuff happens and what will happen. (so pray for two:twenty ministries as I seek after God for next year)

anoTheR viDeO

Friday, January 25, 2008

tHe piCtuRe diD nOt loAd

sorry pic is not loading for some reason:(

mY hAiR

So I got my hair cut this week. Well it is definitely to short but o well because it will grow back during time. So here is a picture of how short it is- and yes I know it could be worse.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Sunday, January 20, 2008

iT's bEeN a wHiLe

So it has been a while since my last post! But life is great and has been supper crazy- getting back from the holiday, planning snowscape, snowscape, playing catch up, and now I am back! Which I know life will not be totally normal! Sarah and I are looking in to getting a new apartment- which means we would move in Feburary- but we are also going on a missions trip in the 2nd to last week of Feburary. So, not sure how it will happen- only GOD does! Life could get super crazy.

God is doing some amazing things in the youth group. HE SHOWED UP over snowscape and really challenged the students. I am hoping this will start the revolution I have been praying for. God is good- all the time, All the time- God is good.