Tuesday, December 16, 2008

tO loNg siNcE mY laSt bloG

Well, it has been a while since I have blogged but life has been crazy. Our church is involved in an amazing organization this Christmas called Advent Conspiracy. It is bringing awareness to the lack of clean water in the world and instead of being a part of the nation that spends 540 billion dollars a year at Christmas and think differently. Instead of buying your kids an x-box make a coupon book for movie nights, favorite cooked meal, etc. It's awesome and check it out! Also, Sarah and I are so excited that we get to make a trip out to Peoria this Christmas. We do not get to see my parents very often and when we do it is a blast. Very excited and I feel like I need a break right now! Church life gets so crazy around Christmas and after Christmas we have a youth winter retreat. Well, got to get back to work because I have so much to do before I leave. Peace Out and Merry Christmas

Monday, December 1, 2008


Have you ever heard this saying at church, "Love the sinner but hate the sin."? I know I have and I think I have even used it before. Did you know that the Hingu Gandhi coined that phrase in is 1929 bibliography and it never cam from Scripture or even a Christian theologian. Interesting!?! Because God really does hate rapist (sinner/ evildoer) as much as he does the rape (sin).

You [God] hate all evildoers (Ps. 55)
Jacob I loved, Esau I hated (Rom 9:13)

Just some thoughts on what I read this morning in Death by Love and I was definitely convicted. So, interesting how we have coined a phrase from a pagan religion because it sounds good. I am realizing more and more how the Word of God is so much sharper than I realized.

tHe roAd ahEad

I am back from Vacation! WOW, what an amazing Thanksgiving I had with family, praise God. It was definitely a time needed to getaway from everything at work, relax, spend time with Sarah, and just do a ton of nothing. But, with that behind me I now have to bust my butt over the next few weeks to get rolling with everything. The youth group does an amazing community Christmas Party and we are hoping that we have the same success as we did last year (Around 500 people). Plus, it allows us to raise some money to help students towards their SnowScape account (a winter retreat we take in Jan.) www.easternhills.org

SideNote: I bought a guitar hero controller so that I can mod it and get it to actually play music. (I have succeeded so far to get it to play a few notes but soon it will be a masterpiece.) Here is a real nerdy guy who moded his guitar. HA