Monday, January 19, 2009

i tHinK mY ibOok diEd

Opps, I forgot to mention that my ibook G4 is on its last leg or has no legs. Last night the screen went black, fan turned on, and it shut down. I love my old school ibook and hope that I can get some more out of it but it sure does show us how we cannot put are faith in computers. (But I really do love MAC!!!!)


Today I was working on my message for Snowscape (winter student retreat). I will be speaking on "What is Faith?" Sounds real easy because I have given a one liner answer so many times about faith, q definition of faith, and dealing with that we do with our faith (read James 2). Real easy when it is a conversation with someone. But, when you have to write a message for students it makes it a bit more difficult. I usually find writing messages very easy but this is one of those times that it took more out of me. I loved writing it, learned a ton, and I am very excited to speak about it.

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. (ESV)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

peoPle wHo dO whAt tHey lOve

Today I heard that Steve Jobs is taking home is annual salary of ****drum roll**** ONE DOLLAR!!!! (news article) He has been taking home a $1 since 1997. Steve Jobs is a man who does what he loves. He is passioniate and excited about his job. Do you feel the same way when you come into work? Is it something you would still do for not getting paid. Your job should be something that you enjoy and love no matter how much the pay is. (I do understand that you need to make money to put food on the table, health insurance, etc.) Steve Jobs is a true corporate leader. Just think, if all of the auto industry corporate leaders did that? Maybe they wouldn't be needing such a huge bail-out. They want the bail out so they can keep their 7 figure salaries. Apple is more than just a computer company. It is a life style, a way to strive for the best, to look at things in a new light, and to be passionate about something!


note: That is a picture of Steve Jobs.

Monday, January 5, 2009

baCk fRom tHe hoLidaYs

2 weeks later, 2 flight delays due to weather, 1 hotel room in Detroit, 2,588 miles (flying and driving), 2 different states, 2 different families, 2 different Christmas parties, a New Years Eve Party (which was hanging out with family), and starting another exciting year with my amazing wife Sarah, and now I am finally back in New York. Wow, what a great vacation but also what a busy one. But, it is the new year which means new beginnings, new opportunities, new surprises, and new memories. I hope for those of you that read this blog that you can become a part of some of great memories to come! That is it for now because I need to get back to load of work that awaits me. Check out this picture that sums up my Christmas (a picture of my cousins baby and I) and check out a website adventure I am going to start up (still in the making but it is almost complete) .