Friday, March 28, 2008

hOw aRe yOu liViNg fOr JeSus

How are you living for Jesus in this forsaken world? Are you being luke-warm or on fire? We all need to stop talking about the revolution we want to happen and start actually doing them? Christianity is a active faith! Have a blessed day and LIVE FOR GOD!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

baCk fRom ilLinOis

I am back from the wonderful state of Illinois. Sarah and I were able to go and suprise my mom on Monday. My dad picked us up from the airport, drove us home, we just walked in and said "HI". At that point my mom gasped and then began to cry. It was an amazing surprise, I love surprises, and was pulled off very well. We continued the week with hanging out, eating, some shopping, then eating some more, and were able to spend time with extended family (and I got to see my best friend Joel). I praise God for family and how he has blessed me with such an amazing one. I really do believe that it is Biblical to not be away from your family for an extended period. {Now, that does not mean that Sarah and I plan on moving back anytime soon in the near future. But I do feel that someday we will be moving closer to home.} How have you prayed for your family lately? Also, praise God for Easter because this was the final sacrifice for our sins! Have an AMAZING DAY!

Friday, March 14, 2008

tHiS brOuGht baCk sOmE meMoRies

I was wondering what happened to "Kris Kross" today and I thought they became music producers. But after reading some wikipedia I realized that they have kinda disappeared off the charts. Not matter what they are doing now I will always have childhood memories of dancing to this song! What the music video and rock out!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

loVe aNd reSpEcT

Sarah and I just started an amazing marriage class at church. I am so excited to see how it grows our marriage, strengthens us, and makes us a better team. We of course have some amazing teachers, 2 of which we are specially fond of, the Cox's. It all comes down how men want respect then love and woman want love then respect. Both couples need both parts of the equation but each sex is different. I am excited for the road that it is going to take us on.

Monday, March 10, 2008

tHe riDe oF tHe oHiO stOrM

Well I went to Ohio this past weekend in a snow storm that rocked face. We drove an average speed of 35 m/hr and a total distance 466 miles. Which took us around 12 hours to drive. This trip would also include only 2 stops, eating in the car, and one time being pulled out of the ditch. Let's just say it was a eventful trip but well worth it to visit family. In my opinion family is one of the most important things that God ever created! Praise God for family.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


I always wonder if selfishness of the human life came after the fall or maybe it is the sin of selfishness came after the fall. I was talking with some people at friendly's the other night and we all talked about how we are terrible listeners. After talking about it, throughout the whole night we all interrupted, changed topic, or genuinely did not care about what was being said. All which was not by accident. Simon (from America idol) always talks about how deep down inside everyone only cares about themselves. I think he is correct. We are depraved sinners who only care about us. I believe that the human race suffocates themselves because of selfishness. It destroys friendships, marriages, families, etc. I know that I am a selfish person and I know I need to work on it. The first step is listening and caring. We can all listen but when you do not do both the equation dies. Who will you listen and care for this week/month/life? I know who I am picking!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

tWo tHinGs

1. Well today I found out that people actually read my blog. That made me excited because I never thought people actually read my blog.
2. I have always been interested in flipping houses and how the real estate market works. So, I have started to watch the show "Flip that house" and "Flip this house". The idea is very intriguing to me and the whole process. I will not be flipping a house anytime soon but maybe in the future. In the mean time I will just research about the process, how is works, and what it takes. Check out the shows sometime (TLC & A&E) and below I have a clip on youtube from Flip This House (A&E).