hoPinG tHe chUrCh wiLl gEt thE ideA aboUt preAchiNg
For those of you who do not know me I currently work at a church located outside of Syracuse, NY. Your typical willow creek style seeker friendly church. I used to be a super seeker friendly style of preaching: topics, general, share the Bible but not to much, and don't make anyone uncomfortable....not really a good preacher! But recently (about the past 8 months) I have been realizing how this generation is sick of the candy coated bull crap that many churches have to offer. The problem that I see is that the older generation, 40's+, likes the seeker sensitive model but the new generation, the future elders of the church, cannot stand the watered down, light hearted, consumeristic messages. We are sick of the bull crap, we want to see people who will read/preach the word of God, talk about Jesus, and not be gentle. We live in a culture that is all about LOVE, which is a good thing, but many times we cherry coat Jesus with so much love. We need to remember He was very radical for his day. He flipped over tables, called Pharisee's out, told people to abandon everything for Him, and died on a cross. My hope and prayer is that the church of America figures that out before it starts to die. Some churches are getting this and they are growing abundantly (Mars Hill in Seattle grew 2,000 people during a series on Sex, and it was not a light message at all). People want to here the word of God preached and we need to remember that God will do the rest!
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