I was reading the book of Romans and studying the verses this morning and something caught my attention.
Romans 1:17-18 "For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: 'The righteous will live by faith.' "
As I read that I often forget the righteous part of faith. I hear many people say, "Oh, I have faith in Christ (mainly to use as the get of hell free card)" But we are to be righteous in our faith.
We are to obey God with our whole heart. In a book I was reading this morning it talked about how Christianity is a two sided coin. Many times a person with believe and then later obey. But we need to believe and obey at the same time (I think Paul teaches this clearly in Romans). I believe that true Christianity is a two sided coin.
How is your faith today? For myself, I went on a missions trip. We went to lead a worship conference but in reality we had no idea if anyone would even show up. Truthfully not many people showed up to the concerts (we where told around 300 each night but had around 50-75 people). But I think God was saying are you still going to worship Me. Is your faith in Me or in results. I learned that no mater how many people get saved, show up to concerts, that my faith is in God alone. I need to worship Him no matter what. It was definitely a learning experience but I realized I need to worship God with all I have and He takes care of the rest.
Jonathan LaBerdia