Thursday, November 29, 2007

doN't siT arOuNd, dO soMetHinG

Are we going to be the revolutionaries or pass it up and let someone else do it! It's your choice!!! I know what I am doing!

Monday, November 26, 2007

tHanKsgIviGg/ blaCk frIdAy

Well, I am back home from visiting family in Ohio! Thanksgiving was a great time to spend with family. I am very thankful too have such an awesome family that loves Sarah and I so much. As you look back on Thanksgiving what are you thankful for? Are you thankful for black friday and the most insane mom's shopping for their children, thankful that Christmas is coming up, or having an awesome family. So look back and see what you are thankful for! ---SIDE NOTE: I went out on black friday, way to many people out at 4:30 a.m., and had an anxiety attack because target was so packed. Next year I will be more prepared!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

So it's up!!! And check it out!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

mY nEw adVentUre

So I am starting on a new adventure of trying out my own business (this is a part-time thing and I am still a full time youth pastor). The idea comes from that small churches are stuggling to stay up with the culture on the internet. It costs a lot to get good web-pages, design, and other print media made. And ussually a church with 2 pastors cannot hire a media arts director or pay a company $5,000-30,000 for a good web site. This is where I come in!!! Basic Church Marketing is for the little guy, the one who struggles, the guy that most people leave out and see as not very effective. The little guy just needs some help You should check out the site (I am having some server trouble at the moment but it should be up in a few days) Tell me what you think! I have not started advertising yet, so if you find a need to have edits let me know//esp. in the grammer department!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

sO tHe v-neCk

I noticed that no one commented on the v-neck video I put on the blog. You really should watch it and post a comment. It's very interesting. I am very excited in the fact that I get to go to Sarah's family next week over thanksgiving!!! It is going to be a wonderful time of eating, hanging out, and getting away for a while. I do love it here but vacations are very nice. I hope that everyone can enjoy thanksgiving and spending time with their family. My heart breaks for those who do not have a family or any place to call home over the holidays.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

i waTchEd a deBatE

I watched a debate betwen an Antheist and a Christian. Here is a You Tube clip of some of it but go to this site to watch the whole thing.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

ciTy chUrCh

So I saw this on a friends page. What do you think?
(Also, the guy is wearing a deep plunge V-Neck!!)


If you believe in God you pray. Some of us pray everyday, others when life is painful, or others only before they eat. One of the greatest things that I see coming from prayer is reality. When we confess who we are to God we are brought in to this reality that God is perfect and us humans are not. Humans are dirty tainted people. It's weird because so many times we try to hide are true feelings in prayer and seem to think we can hide how imperfect we are from God. God knows us and who we are (Ps. 139) Confess to God and be brought in to that reality of how imperfect we are and how perfect God is.

Monday, November 5, 2007


We are all evangelist's for something. Basically we share something that we strongly believe in and want others to believe in as well. I believe in the one and true God and I want others to believe in Him as well. I also am a evagleist for many other things. One is This site shares how we can be better at marketing in our local church. It is filled with ideas, aids, and almost everything you can imagine. So check it out!

Friday, November 2, 2007

moRe yoUtube

So a new program like youtube will be coming out. It's called HULU! Not sure how many features it will have but it seems to be awesome. I watched a clip of the office and it was in full quality, instead of all the break ups. So check it out!